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Car wreckers near Townsville (QLD)

Townsville (QLD) is located near Townsville MC (QLD), Townsville DC (QLD), Townsville City (QLD) and North Ward (QLD)

We found 4 wrecking businesses within the range of 60 KMs

Ace Wreckers
distance: 8 km

531 Bayswater Rd Mount Louisa QLD 4814

(07) 4774 5599

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Partington 4WD
distance: 8.7 km

632 Ingham Rd Bohle QLD 4818

(07) 4774 5544

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Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm
Sat 8:30am to 12pm
Sun Closed

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Townsville Car Recyclers
distance: 10.6 km

112 Enterprise St Bohle QLD 4818

(07) 4774 7808

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North Coast Wreckers
distance: 14.2 km

80 Shaw Rd Shaw QLD 4818

(07) 4778 2799

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Car Wreckers Location API


GetMeUsedCarParts mentioned on 2GB 873AM in Nights with John Stanley - Car Advice with Trent Nikolic - 27th October 2021